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1945 - 10. februarja rojen v Valjevu, kamor je bil oče ing. Engelbert, sicer rojen v Celovcu (Avstrija), z družino izseljen – istega leta povratek v Slovenijo
1969 - diploma na oddelku za arhitekturo FAGG, Univerza v Ljubljani
1969 - 1970 - zaposlen v projektnem biroju „Progres“ v Ljubljani
1970 - 1979 - asistent pri predmetu „Stanovanjske zgradbe“ na oddelku za arhitekturo FAGG, Univerza v Ljubljani
1973 - opravil preizkus znanja angleškega jezika pri DU „Boris Kidrič“ v Ljubljani
1974 - opravil strokovni izpit
1977 - 1980 - podiplomski študij iz prostorskega in urbanističnega planiranja ter arhitekture na VDO FAGG, Univerze v Ljubljani
1979 - 1995 - honorarni predavatelj pri predmetu „Športne gradnje“ na Fakulteti za telesno kulturo v Ljubljani
1979 - predavatelj „venia legendi“ pri predmetu „Stanovanjske zgradbe“ na VTOZD Arhitektura, Univerza v Ljubljani
1980 - 1982 - predsednik komisije za športne objekte in opremo pri TKS RS Slovenija
1980 - magister arhitekturnih znanosti
1981 - 1986 - docent za področje arhitekture, predmeta „Rekreacijske zgradbe“ in „Stanovanjske zgradbe“ na VTOZD
Arhitektura, Univerza v Ljubljani

- predsednik delovne skupine „Turizem, šport in rekreacija“ pri Zvezi arhitektov Jugoslavije
1982 - 1991 - redni član in predstavnik (od 1986 dalje) Zveze arhitektov Jugoslavije v delovni skupini „Sport, Leisure and Tourism“ pri UIA (Mednarodno združenje arhitektov)

1987 - iniciator in soustanovitelj mednarodne delavnice za urbanizem in arhitekturo prostega časa „Unije Workshop“ na Unijah (Hrvaška)

- član mednarodne natečajne komisije za športni park Bor v Trstu (Italija)

1988 - član iniciativnega odbora Mednarodne konference v okviru UIA na Kopaoniku (Srbija)

- plenarni referat na mednarodnih konferencah UIA v Tokiu, Japonska in ITACA v Portorožu (Slovenija)
1989 - član organizacijskega odbora mednarodne konference v okviru UIA na Malem Lošinju (Hrvaška) in direktor Mednarodne delavnice na Unijah (Hrvaška)
1990 - doktor arhitekturnih znanosti

- izvoljen za organizacijskega sekretarja PRE Inštitut za arhitekturo in prostor na Fakulteti za arhitekturo, Univerze v Ljubljani

- član mednarodne žirije 4th Biennal of Architecture v Krakovu (Poljska)
1991 - 2000 - predstavnik Zveze društva arhitektov Slovenije v delovni skupini „Sport and Tourism“ v okviru Mednarodnega združenja arhitektov, UIA

- udeležba na samostojnih in skupinskih razstavah v Sloveniji v Ljubljani, Portorožu, Kamniku in v tujini v Italiji, Taormini, Benetkah in na Hrvaškem, Unije
1991 - izvoljen v naziv docenta za področje arhitekture, predmeta Športne in rekreacijske zgradbe in Elementi projektiranja in kompozicije

- projektni manager na Interdesignu v okviru svetovnega kongresa ICSID v Ljubljani (Slovenija)
1992 - 2000 - plenarni referat na Mednarodni konferenci organizirani v okviru UNESCA v Taormini (Italija)

- predavanja, vaje in diplome na fakulteti za arhitekturo,fakulteti za Šport, Gea Collegu in vabljeni predavatelj na IPŠ PUP na FAGG v Ljubljani

1994 - plenarni referat na Mednarodni konferenci organizirani v okviru UIA v Jeruzalemu (Izrael)
- vabljen k sodelovanju pri pomembnejših projektih; skakalni center v Insbrucku (Avstrija), svetovni etno center v Birmingamu (Velika Britanija), državni športni center pri
Gradcu (Avstrija) idr.

1996 - 1997 - redni član diplomske komisije na Fakulteti za arhitekturo, Univerze v Ljubljani
- plenarni referat na Mednarodni konferenci v Tokiu (Japonska), Portorožu in Mariboru (Slovenija)
1998 - 2000 - izdaja učbenikov in pomembnih strokovnih knjig ter publikacij
1999 - udeležba na svetovnem kongresu arhitektov v Pekingu (Kitajska), predavanje v okviru delovne skupine „Sports and Leisure“ pri UIA (Mednarodna zveza arhitektov)
2000 - predavanje na mednarodni konferenci v Sydneju (Avstralija) na povabilo Društva arhitektov Avstralije
2001 - 2003 - član senata Fakultete za arhitekturo, Univerze v Ljubljani
- član odbora za znanstveno-raziskovalno delo na Fakulteti za arhitekturo, Univerze v Ljubljani
2003 - 2004 - član diplomske komisije na Fakulteti za arhitekturo, univerze v Ljubljani
2005 - 2012 - vodenje pedagoške prakse pri predmetih Projektiranje in kompozicija, Management v gradnji, Rekreacijske stavbe
- organizacija in vodenje študentskih delavnic
- strokovno delo in udeležba na natečajih

2013 - upokojen

2013 - publicistično delo



1945 - 10 February born in Valjevo, where father engineer Engelbert, born in Klagenfurt (Austria), was evicted to with family – return to Slovenia in the same year
1969 - Graduation from the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, University of Ljubljana
1969 - 1970 - Employment in the architectural bureau “Progres” in Ljubljana
1970 - 1979 - Assistant in the subject “Residential buildings” at the Department for Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, University of Ljubljana
1973 - English language certificate obtained from the Workers University “Boris Kidrič” in Ljubljana
1974 - Professional Exam
1977 - 1980 - Post-graduate studies of Spatial and Urbanism Planning and Architecture at Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, University of Ljubljana
1979 - 1995 - Part-time lecturer in the subject “Sports facilities“ at the Faculty for Physical Culture in Ljubljana
1979 - “Venia legendi” lecturer in the subject “Residential buildings” at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana
1980 - 1982 - Chairman of the Sports Facilities and Equipment Commission at Physicalculture Community of Slovenia
1980 - Masters Degree in Architectural Sciences
1981 - 1986 - Assistant Professor of Architecture, subject “Recreational buildings” and “Residential buildings” at VTOZD Architecture, University of Ljubljana
- Chairman of the working group “Sports, Leisure and Tourism” at the Architects Union of Yugoslavia
1982 - 1991- Full member and representative (from 1986 onwards) of the Architects Union of Yugoslavia in the Working Group “Sports, Leisure and Tourism” at UIA (International Union of Architects)
1987- Initiator and co-founder of the International Workshop for Urbanism and Architecture of Leisure “Unije Workshop” in Unije (Croatia)
- Member of jury in the International Competition for Bor sports park in Trieste (Italy)

1988 - Member of the Steering Committee of the International Conference of UIA in Kapaonik (Serbia)
- Plenary lecture at International UIA Conferences in Tokyo, Japan and ITACA Portorož, Slovenia
1989 - Member of the Organizing Committee of the International UIA Conference in Mali Lošinj (Croatia) and Director of the International Workshop in Unije (Croatia)
1990 - Ph.D in Architectural Sciences
- Elected Organizing Secretary at the PRE Institute for Architecture and Space at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana
- Member of the international jury at the 4th Biennale of Architecture in Krakow (Poland)
1991 - 2000 - Representative of the Union of Architects Associations of Slovenia in the Working Group “Sports, Leisure and Tourism” within the International Union of Architects (UIA)
- Participation in solo and group exhibitions in Slovenia (Ljubljana, Portorož, Kamnik), and abroad in Italy (Taormina, Venice) and Croatia (Unije)
1991 - Elected Assistant Professor for Architecture, subject “Sport and recreational buildings” and “Elements of design and composition”
- Project Manager at Interdesign under the ICSD World Congress in Ljubljana (Slovenia)
1992 - 2000 - Plenary lecture at the International Conference organized by UNESCO in Taormini (Italy)
- Lectures, tutorials and diplomas at the Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Sport, Gea College and invited lecturer at Interdisciplinary Post-Graduate Studies of Spatial and Urbanism Planning at the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy in Ljubljana
1994 - Plenary lecture at the International Conference organized by UIA in Jerusalem (Israel)
- Invited to participate in major projects; ski jumping centre in Innsbruck (Austria), World Ethno Centre in Birmingham (UK), State Sport Centre in Graz (Austria), and others

1996 - 1997 - Full member of the Graduation Commission at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana
- Plenary lecture at the International Conferences in Tokyo (Japan), Portorož, and Maribor (Slovenia)
1998 - 2000 - Publication of textbooks and relevant professional books and publications
1999 - Participation in the World Architects Congress in Beijing (China), lectures in the Working Group “Sports and Leisure” at UIA (International Union of Architects)
2000 - Lecture at the International Conference in Sydney (Australia) on invitation of the Australian Architecture Association
2001 - 2003 - Member of the Senate of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana
- Member of the Committee for Scientific- Research Work at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana
2003 - 2004 - Member of the Graduation Commission at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana
2005 - 2012 - Lecturer of “Design and composition”, “Management in architecture”, “Recreational buildings”
- Organization and leadership of student workshops
- Professional work and participation in competitions

2013 - Retired

2013 - Publishing

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